
User Guide


Manage Your Tasks

Add, delete, show, and mark your tasks as done.




todo - Add a new task

Format: todo <task>

Example of usage:

todo hello

Expected outcome:

Task added: [T][X] hello

deadline - Add a new task with a deadline

Format: deadline <task> /by yyyy-mm-dd

Example of usage:

deadline hello /by 2020-09-30

Expected outcome:

Task added: [D][X] hello (by: 30 Sep 2020)

event - Add a new task that happens on a certain date

Format: event <task> /at yyyy-mm-dd

Example of usage:

event hello /at 2020-09-30

Expected outcome:

Task added: [E][X] hello (at: 30 Sep 2020)

done - Mark a task as done

Format: done <task number>

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

Task marked as done: [T][V] hello

delete - Delete a task

Format: delete <task number>

Example of usage:

delete 2

Expected outcome:

Task deleted: [D][X] hello (by: 30 Sep 2020)

list - List all tasks, or all tasks on a certain date

Format: list [yyyy-mm-dd]

Example of usage:

list 2020-09-30

Expected outcome:

2. [E][X] hello (at: 30 Sep 2020)

find - Search for a task using keywords

Format: find <keywords>

Example of usage:

find hello

Expected outcome:

1. [T][V] hello
2. [E][X] hello (at: 30 Sep 2020)

bye - Exit the chat bot

Format: bye

Expected outcome:

Window closes.